Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I've Got News For You...

“To lose unwanted body fat
all you have to do is eat less and exercise more."

Could it be that simple? Well, yes, it can! So then why aren't people losing fat? It's simple; they're 1) consistently consuming more calories, 2) than they are burning off.

Everyone knows that in order to lost fat you'll have to consistently consume less calories, less fat, less simple sugars (carbohydrates) and eat smaller food portion sizes. Then expend more energy (calories) by exercising. However, when people don't adhere to these 2 simple rules they wonder why they aren't losing any fat?

Here are a few hard (to face) facts:

1. People consistently choose to eat more of the things they know they shouldn't and also eat too much of it.

2. People don't exercise as often as they should whether it be long enough, consistent enough, or intense enough.

3. They choose to consume excess foods and calories (and know it) yet, come up with some excuse to justify their overeating. Or, they simply ignore the fact that they are eating too much.

4. They've chosen to develop the habit where the desire to do the wrong things is still stronger than the desire to do the right things.

Let's face it: your health, fitness, and physical looks are a direct result of what you are doing -- and have been doing for quite some time. When I am out of shape it is because I am not working out consistently. When I am beginning to pack on the pounds, it's because I am not regularly eating proper. I know it and sometimes even justify my actions or inactions just like everyone else. But when I drop my excuses and pick up my integrity to do the things I know work then I'll begin to get back the body I desire. You can too!

Now I know some people have issues with hormone levels, medications, or addictions that add to the mix of why they aren't losing unwanted fat. However, if you are one of them are you really doing the simple things like eating less calories than you should, and exercising consistently? Also, were you doing those things before (or along the way) of becoming overfat? Probably not.

I also know that there are many other factors that can contribute to further fat loss like eating less processed foods and sugar substitutes. And, that you could also be eating more fruits and vegetables in place of sugary snacks. But, are you even doing the first simple steps of eating less and exercising more?

For now, just do these two easy modifications in your life consistently and you'll begin to see and feel a change in your body. It won't even cost you money. For most folks it'll save you money! You'll spend less money on food by eating less and then workout at home for free by doing some bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, crunches and jumping jacks. If you do have some additional equipment like a treadmill or free weights it will make it even easier.

*Want quick and efficient workouts
you can do in 30 minutes or less?

Then, check out!

Robert Garza
Certified Personal Trainer

Thursday, March 13, 2008

See the Best Fitness Seminars Live Online!

click me

What is FitcomXpo?

Thanks to breakthrough technology and the ability of the Internet to bring us all together, you can now attend the world's largest fitness industry event -- all from the comfort of your own home.

That's right.

No traveling.

No expensive plane rides or airport headaches.

No taxis or car rentals.

No overpriced hotel food.

How does FitcomXpo work?

Using the latest technology, you'll be able to follow along LIVE with each presentation. You can either listen over the phone or watch it streaming over the Internet.

There's no special downloads. Just login to your account here and you'll be taken to the special page to listen live.

Plus, you'll be able to ask questions directly to the presenters too!

You'll have all the handouts ahead of time and if a presenter wants to show you a demonstration, you can see it via video on the site.

It will be just like attending an event in person, except you can follow along in your pajamas!

How much to attend FitcomXpo?

If you wanted to attend an event like this in person -- you'd shell out around $300 for registration, $280 for 2 nights at the hotel, another $350 for airfare plus $200 more for meals.

When all is said and done, you're looking at well over $1,000.00.

FitcomXpo is all delivered online you are going to save. Big Time!


Because we don't have to pay for hotel space and we are saving thousands of dollars by not flying speakers in from all over the globe. Plus just by not printing out 10,000 handouts, we're saving $30,000 right there.

So you are going to have the biggest and best fitness industry event delivered to you on a silver platter for just $199.


Robert Garza, CPT, RTS