Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fat Loss Techniques for Your Workouts: Unaccustomed Exercise

If you want to continue losing fat and building muscle with your workouts you need to add in some exercise variety. Variety simply means to make a change that modifies your existing workout to keep it working for you.

Exercise variation (variety) comes in many forms which is why there is no reason you should be stuck at a plateau for very long. One such type of variety we can add to your workout is called, “unaccustomed exercise.” Unaccustomed exercise is placing in your workout an exercise that you haven’t done before or that you haven’t done in awhile.

The body will become “accustomed” to an exercise after about 4-6 weeks of consistent workouts and then your progress will begin to slow down. Therefore, by tossing in an exercise that you haven’t done in awhile, or a new exercise, it will shock your body into continued progress.

Here are some new and/or replacement exercise examples you can use to add in some unaccustomed exercise into your existing workout.

New and/or Replacement Exercises:

Push ups in place of bench presses

Chin ups in place of lat pulldowns

Dumbbell rows in place of seated cable rows

Leg press in place of barbell squats

Back-step lunges in place of forward step lunges

*For more of these workout tips and strategies check out our Xpress Workouts website!

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