Friday, October 19, 2007

Which Workout Scenario Do You Prefer?

Scenario 1:
You decide to go workout first thing in the morning. You roll out of bed, put on your workout clothes, and pack your work clothes along with your toiletry bag all of which has taken you 15 minutes.

Now, you dash out of your home and jump into your car to rush over to the local gym. Another fifteen later minutes you arrive at the gym - and if it’s like most health clubs in the morning you can expect to search for a parking space which takes more of your valuable time.

You go through your typical bodybuilding style workout which may or may not be suitable for your goal of fat loss. That’ll be another hour of your time, please.

Now that you are finished you run to the locker room to get ready for work. You undress, shower, change into your work clothes and primp yourself up while knocking elbows into the person next to you sharing the same mirror space.

You now sprint out of the club and go straight to work because you ran out of time to eat breakfast. It has taken you about 2 hours to complete your morning workout ritual.

Scenario 2:

You decide to go workout first thing in the morning. You roll out of bed, put on your workout clothes, and drop to the floor to begin your bodyweight workout of pushing, pulling and squatting exercises that strengthen your whole body in all of 10 minutes.

You now climb on your treadmill and do a 15 minute interval workout to specifically shed fat and strengthen your heart and lungs. You follow that with a cool down of light stretching and your workout is done – all in 30 minutes time!

Now, you can take your time showering and having a post-workout breakfast meal and head off to work.


Which workout scenario do you prefer? Or, more importantly for some, which is a more efficient way of spending your morning?

Oh, and scenario 2 will get you in better physical condition much quicker, too!

That’s what our Xpress Workouts are all about: quick and efficient workouts that get you in better condition than most one-hour (or longer) workouts.

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